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Stage and screen

  • A black and white photograph. Screenwriter Dalton Trumbo sits next to his wife Cleo at the House Un-American Activities Committee hearings in 1947. Bertoldt Brecht sits in the background

    Monopolywood: Why the Paramount accords should not be repealed

    Repealing the Paramount accords could set independent cinema back, writes Vaughn Joy

  • Scene showing men in dole queue from 1997 film The Full Monty

    The Full Monty at 25

    A quarter of a century after its release, The Full Monty still resonates today. Alex Green revisits a working-class story told with compassion and humour

  • Six people pose in brightly coloured clothes and balaclavas

    Riot daze

    In the current political climate, despair come easy. From Pussy Riot to queer cabaret, we must find hope in one another, argues Siobhan McGuirk

  • A group of people sitting on the floor, heads down, waiting

    Cinema on the move

    Inventive films are helping shift migration narratives from suffering to empowerment while expanding the politics of possibility, argue Lily Parrott and Laura Stahnke

  • A man with a bandaged face and a traffic warden uniform standing guard with a rifle in a still from the 1984 film Threads

    Navigating the apocalypse through popular culture

    From plague and pandemics to zombies and ‘cli-fi’, apocalyptic narratives have long reflected and shaped the anxieties of our age, write Siobhan McGuirk and Marzena Zukowska

  • A monstrous male figure, bald, white faced, with long pins stuck into its entire head in a grid pattern

    The rule of the flesh eaters: capitalism through a horror movie lens

    Capitalism entails endless misery and violence writes Mark Steven. Can cinematic horror help us to understand – and overthrow – it?

  • A painting showing witches performing a ritual surrounded by magical items and creatures

    Morality tales

    From cowardly men to wayward wives, pre-modern superstitions transmitted social norms as well as scares, writes Eleanor Janega