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Stage and screen

  • Riot police on the street

    The police are not here to protect you

    The police spend little of their time making arrests, and most crimes are not solved, writes Alex Vitale – their real purpose is social control.

  • A still from the 2014 film Pride shows jubilant marchers connecting gay rights to the miners strikes

    Pride in the fight

    Siobhan McGuirk celebrates the solidarity – and humour – of a film about when lesbians and gay people backed the miners

  • A photograph of Algiers, Algeria showing the cityscape and the coast

    Culture and Revolution: The Pan-African Festival of Algiers

    Hamza Hamouchene introduces the revolutionary documentary, The Pan-African Festival of Algiers 1969

  • A face with eyes covered by a newspaper text, with the words printed to the right: 'The War You Don't See'

    John Pilger: the media war you don’t see

    Pablo Navarrete interviews renown investigative journalist John Pilger ahead of the release of his new film, The War You Don’t See

  • Young women festival-goers stand at a gig barrier holding placards that read 'Stop the Nazi BNP' while smiling and putting thumbs upCREDIT: PA PHOTOS

    Making music matter

    Organisers claimed it a huge success, but the BNP won a seat on the London Assembly days later. Lena De Casparis and Alex Nunns explore the impact of the Love Music Hate Racism carnival – and the future for such events

  • Alan Turing and Peter Tatchell | Peter Tatchell visited Manchester. Credit: Pete Birkinshaw

    Porn can be good for you

    Peter Tatchell says pornography doesn’t have to be oppressive. It can be liberating and fulfilling