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  • An illustration of workers rating their arms into a giant fist punching up into the air

    Troublemaking – review

    Through analysing varied unionisation campaigns, Lydia Hughes and Jamie Woodcock chart a path for workplace democracy and meaningful class struggle, says Laura Hone

  • An illustration showing images of German philosophers Karl Marx and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel with pink and purple coloured arrows pointing in different directions across the top

    Key words: Dialectics

    Tom Whyman explains Marx’s influential theory of ‘dialectical materialism’ which has its roots in Hegel and takes history to be driven by conflict

  • Protestors waiving placards, Palestinian flags and keys symbolising the Palestinian demand for right of return

    Greater than the Sum of Our Parts – review

    Nada Elia’s book touches on a number of interesting themes, but fails to shift its focus from the academy to grassroots organising, argues Jeanine Hourani

  • A woman at a protest waiving a flare billowing yellow smoke in front of a banner reading "Kill the Bill"

    Abolition Revolution – review

    Abolition Revolution looks to a future free of the punitive systems that permeate British society, argues Shahed Ezaydi

  • The cover of the book This Arab is Queer imposed onto a photo of the pride flag flying against a blue sky

    This Arab is Queer – review

    Elias Jahshan’s anthology paints a vibrant picture of queer Arab life on its own terms, writes Aneesha Hussain

  • Protesters at rally against anti-Muslim hate crimes

    Tangled in Terror: Uprooting Islamophobia – review

    Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan’s book does not shy away from vital connections between Islamophobia and the forces of global capitalism, writes Farzana Khan

  • A large, barren quarry used to extract lithium in Chile

    Volt Rush – Review

    Henry Sanderson’s account of capital’s increasing interest in green technology should be cause for alarm, not relief, argues Madoc Cairns

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