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Labour Party

  • An emu in a field with a wind-up clock key on its back

    Simon Hedges’ tough choices

    Tory meltdown means that Labour has become electable by mistake – but the focus must remain on expelling leftists, writes centrism correspondent Simon Hedges

  • Keir Starmer at the World Economic Forum in 2023

    Keir Starmer’s humiliation kink

    Ben Smoke questions what is driving the Labour leader

  • A large colourful Save Brick Lane protest

    Misogyny, monopoly and marginalised communities

    Tower Hamlets Labour Party is deeply hypocritical, argues Tasnima Uddin, in its treatment of marginalised people and women of colour

  • An English high street with a town hall clock tower and rain-washed streets

    The Red Wall: a political narrative

    The term ‘Red Wall’ reflects establishment perspectives. It is being used to manipulate us towards conservative goals, argues Daniel Eales

  • Tower Hamlets town hall

    The Tower Hamlets story

    After years of false allegations, former Mayor Lutfur Rahman is running on a radical program to tackle the cost of living crisis. Ashok Kumar reports

  • Home Office immigration enforcement van in London. Photo: Philafrenzy

    Where is the Labour Party’s immigration policy heading?

    As the Nationality and Borders Bill becomes law, Sabrina Huck attempts to decipher whether Labour’s immigration policy offers any promise of change for the better

  • Labour leader Kier Starmer stands clapping at Party Conference against a red background

    Simon Hedges’ credibility question

    As Labour doesn’t scare the establishment, they’ll probably get in by default at some point. That’s the beauty of Britain’s advanced democracy, writes Simon Hedges

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