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Conservative Party

  • A montage of photos showing: a child kicking a football inside a closed space; a prtest rally with signs reading: No Staff, No Art; a small child wearing a VR headset with the words ‘let create museums of the future’ super imposed; a signer on stage reaching out towards the crowd

    The state of the arts

    Danielle Child examines the key issues facing the arts under Labour, following 14 years of Conservative government, austerity programmes, Brexit and a global pandemic

  • Reform UK leader Nigel Farage speaking at a rally with a backdrop reading 'Britain needs reform'

    Immigration is not the issue

    Immigration is not a real concern for voters, argues Daniel Sohenge, but the language around it is a major problem. We must demand a new approach – prioritising dignity and respect

  • Jeremy Corbyn stands surrounded by supporters as he campaigns for reelection in Islington North

    In and against electoral politics

    Attention to electoral politics creates an opening for socialists, argues Sabrina Huck – to redirect energy towards building truly transformative movements

  • On a red background there are eight headshots of politicians: including Jeremy Corbyn, Leanne Mohammed, Jamie Driscoll and Lutfur Rahman.

    Who’s left to vote for?

    A vacuum has developed on the left in UK electoral politics. Are any parties or independents ready to step in? Red Pepper surveys the contenders to watch out for at the 2024 General Election

  • A former public baths and wash house in London now boarded up and abandoned

    Shattered Nation – review

    Dorling’s book offers a damning portrait of a crumbling Britain, writes Phil O’Sullivan

  • On a red background, there is an illustration of a rose than is on its side, with wilted petals. There are two protestors with signs reading 'Fund our schools' and 'right to strike'

    Minimum service levels, minimum prospects

    Adrian Weir examines Labour’s lackluster response to the Tories’ attack on workers, and how unions are striking back

  • Suella Braverman speaking, racism, Islamophobia, Conservative Party

    Braverman, Anderson and tired Tory Islamophobia

    Comments by senior Conservative politicians and lack of consequences are symptomatic of the party’s long-standing Islamophobia and racism, writes Stuart Cartland

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