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  • Jacob Rees-Mogg against purple background

    Key words: Meritocracy

    Jo Littler examines how claims of a level playing field disguise continuing privilege

  • British currency spread out in coins and notes

    Post-pandemic, pay inequality is back in business

    The coronavirus pandemic sparked hopes that pay inequality could be radically reduced. Instead, inequality has ‘bounced back’. Andrew Speke explains how workers can respond

  • A bitcoing machine illuminated with multiple coloured lights in a shopping centre in Gdańsk, Poland

    Blockchain Radicals – review

    Cryptocurrency and blockchain might be here for the long haul, but Dávila’s book shows how they can be repurposed by the left, writes David Z. Morris

  • A man delivers a speech to a crowd in front of a large Black Lives Matter flag at a protest in New York

    What Is Anti-Racism? – review

    Arun Kudnani’s book argues for an anti-racism that is truly liberatory and revolutionary, writes Sigrid Corey

  • Protesters outside a factory building hold a banner that reads: 'Workers for a free Palestine' and placards reading 'UK funds genocide'

    How the UK arms the occupation and genocidal war in Gaza

    Opaque deals and policy loopholes are facilitating weapons sales to Israel. While government dodges accountability, the people must demand action says Anna Stavrianakis

  • The outline of a wind farm complex in a vast desert is shown against a yellow background

    A just transition: next steps for climate movements

    Climate movements must think beyond extraction and exploitation to start building a just future, say Sebastian Ordoñez Muñoz and Hamza Hamouchene

  • A promotional photo for the 2023 season of Love Island featuring the show's cast.

    Love Island and emotional labour

    Love Island is not just a reflection of the dominant model of love, but part of its ideological reproduction, writes Jaswinder Blackwell-Pal

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