Today there was hardly a city in the world not touched by the occupations, writes Niamh Flynn
Tabitha Troughton reports from the December 9 fees demonstration
Pablo Navarrete interviews renown investigative journalist John Pilger ahead of the release of his new film, The War You Don’t See
Populist, authoritarian, xenophobic and sustained in office by a corrupt electoral system – but Silvio Berlusconi’s government isn’t the only one in Europe that can be described this way
Understanding Afghanistan today is only possible by looking at it in the context of the part played by the competing imperial powers in its past. Jane Shallice offers a guide
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Organisers claimed it a huge success, but the BNP won a seat on the London Assembly days later. Lena De Casparis and Alex Nunns explore the impact of the Love Music Hate Racism carnival – and the future for such events