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Liam Kennedy

  • Article author Johnathan Steele (left) sat next to former premier of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev (right)

    How the West scuppered Gorbachev’s reforms

    Drawing on his observations of Gorbachev, Jonathan Steele details how Western interests and Yeltsin’s ambition undermined his strategy for gradual reform

  • A cityscape photograph of a sunrise over Taipei, Taiwan

    Listen to local voices, not the US or China, on Taiwan

    Brian Hioe looks at the tensions and misunderstandings surrounding Nancy Pelosi’s visit and how Western leftists routinely ignore local demands from Taiwan

  • Rally at Sheffield Hallam University in response to the university's suspension of Shahd, featuring placards with slogans including 'Apartheid off campus' and the Palestine flag

    ‘I feel trapped in violence that extends from Palestine to the UK’

    Pádraig Ó Meiscill speaks to Shahd Abusalama about the enforced separation of her family, defeating smear campaigns and the cruelty of the Home Office

  • Tower Hamlets town hall

    The Tower Hamlets story

    After years of false allegations, former Mayor Lutfur Rahman is running on a radical program to tackle the cost of living crisis. Ashok Kumar reports

  • In a snowy scene, a person in a holly hats holds up signs in Chinese writing

    Fighting for LGBTQ+ rights in China

    Qiuyan Chen sued the Chinese ministry of education over homophobic textbooks. She writes about her battle for LGBTQ+ rights in China and the UK

  • UCU strike posters show a raised pink fist

    Education for an alternative

    Daniel Eales argues that UCU strikes not only highlight current problems in higher education, but also offer alternatives to them

  • A woman holding a photo of a camp used by China to detain Uyghur prisoners

    The war on the Uyghurs

    Moazzam Begg joins the dots between his own experience of the ‘war on terror’ and the repression of the Uyghur people at the hands of the Chinese state

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