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Law, policing and justice

The anti-democratic tendencies of many governments are reflected in restrictions on the right to protest or strike, creeping surveillance, and the rollback of civil liberties.

In our section on law, policing and justice we cover how citizens are pushing back, from campaigns against police corruption to movements for migrants’ rights, prison abolition and decriminalisation of sex work and more.

The anti-democratic tendencies of many governments are reflected in restrictions on the right to protest or strike, creeping surveillance, and the rollback of civil liberties.

In our section on law, policing and justice we cover how citizens are pushing back, from campaigns against police corruption to movements for migrants’ rights, prison abolition and decriminalisation of sex work and more.

  • Three photos: one showing a large crowd; one showing a police cordon; one showing an activist being dragged away by police

    Anti-fascist, pro-trans rights: lessons from Honor Oak

    Sita Balani talks to organiser Ada Cable about anti-fascism and community defence in the face of increasing attacks on queer spaces

  • A montage of UK far-right figures including Suella Braverman, Nigel Farage, Nick Griffith, Boris Johnson and masked protesters with St George's Flag and pig masks

    Anti-fascism now

    As the UK far right evolves and wields new power, antifascists must adapt their tactics to defeat it, writes David Renton

  • A montage of images on a pale pink background: two women walking through a forest, a cake that reads: 'as if love is anything but free' and a forest wedding

    A marriage abolitionist says: ‘I… do?’

    Sophie Lewis considers what it means to be ‘married’ when you want to abolish the family

  • Against a red, black and green background, there are portraits of two military men

    Sudan: from revolution to war

    Red Pepper speaks to Muzan Alneel about the current war in Sudan, how it links to the revolutionary uprisings of 2018-19 and what the future holds

  • On the steps of a government building, protestors hold signs for (a young girl smiling in the foreground) and against (a mixed-age crowd in the background) same-sex marriage

    Right to divorce

    As right-wing parties threaten LGBTQ+ communities, we must defend hard-won legal rights while still fighting for a more radical liberation, says Siobhan McGuirk

  • Against a yellow background there are images of the Empire Windrush ship, a colonial-era British Subject passport and stamp, and the 1968 Nationality Act

    Embedding racism: a brief history of border violence

    Siobhan McGuirk charts the development of UK borders and citizenship policies since the early 1900s

  • Two black and white illustrations on a bright yellow background

    A common enemy: colonialism and imperialism

    Understanding the relationship between imperialism and colonialism is essential for dismantling the global capitalist system, writes Mohammed Elnaiem

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