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  • Green Party co-leader Carla Dreyer wearing googles and a high vis vest talking to independent businesses in Bristol

    The Green Party: socialists on bikes

    After making gains in the 2024 election, Philip Proudfoot spells out why the Green Party is a suitable political home for eco-socialists looking for a democratic vehicle for change

  • Jeremy Corbyn stands surrounded by supporters as he campaigns for reelection in Islington North

    In and against electoral politics

    Attention to electoral politics creates an opening for socialists, argues Sabrina Huck – to redirect energy towards building truly transformative movements

  • Democracy in the UK

    The Charter 88 movement has fought for constitutional change in the UK since 1988. Its demands are still relevant in calling for a bold remedy to years of institutional and political decay, argues Helena Kennedy

  • Picture of Iris Duane smiling, wearing a denim jacket

    ‘I’m too left-wing for the SNP and I never considered Labour’ – an interview with Iris Duane

    Paula Lacey speaks to Iris Duane, the Scottish Greens candidate seeking to become the first trans woman of colour MP

  • On a red background there are eight headshots of politicians: including Jeremy Corbyn, Leanne Mohammed, Jamie Driscoll and Lutfur Rahman.

    Who’s left to vote for?

    A vacuum has developed on the left in UK electoral politics. Are any parties or independents ready to step in? Red Pepper surveys the contenders to watch out for at the 2024 General Election

  • On a red background, there is an illustration of a wilted red rose that is dropping its petals on protesting nurses. The nurses banners say 'claps don't pay the bills' and 'save the NHS'.

    Predicting a Labour government

    Bar a seismic shift in British politics, Labour will form the next government. So what will it do? Nick Cosburn says it’s easier to predict than you might think

  • Sun rises over a road block filled with people, rocks and pro-democracy banners

    After months of protests, will democracy prevail in Guatemala?

    While establishment figures tried to block the election of progressive president Bernardo Arévalo, Tim Brinkhof spoke to the grassroots activists defending democracy