Grief and loss are inescapable parts of the fight for a better world, but Sarah Jaffe demonstrates that they are compatible with resilience and determination, writes Joana Ramiro
Shezan Renny recalls her experiences of becoming politically aware and involved in local organising – from Hyderabad to Haringey
Sahar Awadallah describes her experiences of activism in Palestine and the UK – and what led her to set up a women’s protest camp in Sheffield in January 2024
Shabana Marshall and Sharon Bailey examine what the 1933 ‘Battle of Stockton’ can teach us about fighting the far right today
The struggle for an ecological transition from below by Florence’s ex-GKN workers is alive, writes Lorezno Fe
At Julian Assange’s extradition hearing, the right of all of us to expose what governments try to hide is at stake, writes Richard Norton-Taylor
Ten thousand workers face wages cuts after Delhaize aims to franchise stores in Belgium. Red Pepper spoke to union members Rosetta Scibilla, Sacha Tenaerts, Eric Breugelmans, and Myriam Djegham