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In the UK and beyond, austerity and the erosion of state welfare systems have made sectors like health, housing and education increasingly precarious within our society.

Our analysis looks at the intersections of gender, race and class, and how social movements – old and new – can offer support, action and solidarity beyond electoral politics.


In the UK and beyond, austerity and the erosion of state welfare systems have made sectors like health, housing and education increasingly precarious within our society.

Our analysis looks at the intersections of gender, race and class, and how social movements – old and new – can offer support, action and solidarity beyond electoral politics.


  • Former labour leader Jeremy Corbyn meeting with members of Women Against State Pension Inequality (WASPI)

    On the coming of age

    Old age and the ageing process cannot be divorced from the system as a whole, writes Jane Shallice

  • Suella Braverman wears a blue top and sits in a Lords committee room. She speaks into a microphone

    Grassroots resistance is our only hope on immigration

    Both major parties are now wed to anti-migrant rhetoric and policy. Platforming migrants’ rights activists and organisations is the route forward, writes Anton McDonald

  • A woman at a protest waiving a flare billowing yellow smoke in front of a banner reading "Kill the Bill"

    Abolition Revolution – review

    Abolition Revolution looks to a future free of the punitive systems that permeate British society, argues Shahed Ezaydi

  • The cover of the book This Arab is Queer imposed onto a photo of the pride flag flying against a blue sky

    This Arab is Queer – review

    Elias Jahshan’s anthology paints a vibrant picture of queer Arab life on its own terms, writes Aneesha Hussain

  • Six people pose in brightly coloured clothes and balaclavas

    Riot daze

    In the current political climate, despair come easy. From Pussy Riot to queer cabaret, we must find hope in one another, argues Siobhan McGuirk

  • On a city street building works hoarding, a poster reads: "Gentrification Zone: Area Certified as Economically Cleansed"

    Key words: Gentrification

    Joy White explains the ‘social cleansing’ of cities and communities

  • An artistic depiction of an autistic child being coerced by adults, representing applied behaviour analysis (ABA)

    Autonomy and acknowledgement of autistic bodies

    Gerry Hart highlights the urgent need to fight for autistic bodily autonomy