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Siobhan McGuirk

  • Jeremy Corbyn stands surrounded by supporters as he campaigns for reelection in Islington North

    In and against electoral politics

    Attention to electoral politics creates an opening for socialists, argues Sabrina Huck – to redirect energy towards building truly transformative movements

  • A protester in a Palestine t-shirt holds a placard that reads Queers for Palestine

    Queer activists take pride in solidarity

    LGBTIQ+ activists are fuelling movements for climate justice and Palestine. Paula Lacey spoke to Queer Bloc members about the meaning of liberation – for everyone

  • On a red background there are eight headshots of politicians: including Jeremy Corbyn, Leanne Mohammed, Jamie Driscoll and Lutfur Rahman.

    Who’s left to vote for?

    A vacuum has developed on the left in UK electoral politics. Are any parties or independents ready to step in? Red Pepper surveys the contenders to watch out for at the 2024 General Election

  • On a black baground the ilustrated outline of a tank in pink. Figures are climbing on it with flowers, CND symbols and a flag of Palestine. The text reads: Games Transformed 2024: No war but class war

    Games Transformed: play, jams and gamers against militarism

    Games are not neutral, says Sara Khan. Its time for gamers to raise the alarm – and creatively resist the military-entertainment complex

  • Two Black women hold up signs protesting anti-lgbtq laws, one reading "I am a proud lesbian, get over it!"

    The global battle against Ghana’s anti-LGBTQ+ bill

    As states across Africa threaten LGBTQ+ communities, Chiamaka Muoneke reports on the colonial roots of homophobic laws – and the digital activism fuelling resistance

  • An image of the Odesa Puppet Theatre building and an actor in a hat holding a puppet fox

    Puppetry thrives amid war in Ukraine

    The Odesa Puppet Theatre plays a vital role for Ukrainians facing the violence and trauma of war, explain Nataliia Borodina and Matt Smith

  • Games Gyān Caupar, Reise um die Erde, The Noble Game of Elephant and Castle, Settlers of Catan

    Game on! It’s time to decolonise play

    Mary Flanagan examines the sordid history of how colonialism has shaped the games we play – and how we can build play spaces free of it

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