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Evan Smith

Evan Smith is a historian and the author of No Platform: A History of Anti-Fascism, Universities and the Limits of Free Speech (Routledge)

Evan Smith is a historian and the author of No Platform: A History of Anti-Fascism, Universities and the Limits of Free Speech (Routledge)

  • A black and white photo of Rock against Racism protestors, holding banners and placards, marching near the National Gallery in London in 1978

    Why ‘no platform’ still matters

    Despite recent fearmongering from the right, ‘no platforming’ is an invaluable anti-fascist tactic with a long and storied history, writes Evan Smith

  • A black and white photo of people protesting against the first Gulf War

    How the first Gulf War shaped the British left

    Thirty years on from the first Gulf War, Evan Smith considers how it exposed the limitations in the British left’s ability to build a mass movement