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Alex Nunns

Alex Nunns is a writer, editor and activist. He worked as Jeremy Corbyn’s speechwriter from 2018-20, and his book The Candidate won the 2017 Bread and Roses Award

Alex Nunns is a writer, editor and activist. He worked as Jeremy Corbyn’s speechwriter from 2018-20, and his book The Candidate won the 2017 Bread and Roses Award

  • Labour's then-leader Michael Foot addresses a rally in 1983.

    1983: the biggest myth in Labour Party history

    Labour’s 1983 election campaign has long been used to say it is impossible for a leader like Jeremy Corbyn to win any election from the left. Alex Nunns digs out the truth

  • Young women festival-goers stand at a gig barrier holding placards that read 'Stop the Nazi BNP' while smiling and putting thumbs upCREDIT: PA PHOTOS

    Making music matter

    Organisers claimed it a huge success, but the BNP won a seat on the London Assembly days later. Lena De Casparis and Alex Nunns explore the impact of the Love Music Hate Racism carnival – and the future for such events